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PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu

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PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu Empty PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu

Post  ARTA8SIMS Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:57 am

Selling everything here for $350

Gigabyte P45-DS3
A-Data 2x2GB DDR2 800
MSI 512mb 9800GTX+
Coolermaster Extreme Power+ 600

PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu Ga-ep45-ds3PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu Adata2gPC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu MSI_GTX__02PC parts for sale, all for $350, P45 mobo, 4g ram, 9800gtx+, 600w psu Cat7445

PM, Email or Reply if anyone is interested. Smile

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Age : 33
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