Australian Otaku Forum
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The General Rules

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The General Rules Empty The General Rules

Post  V£×£N Tue May 19, 2009 12:30 am

Rules fro this section apply the same as forum rules but few differences/

Rules for these topics:
1. Dont post links to porn sites or anything. Really annoying and immature.
2. Dont argue withing posts. Leads to two things. Trolls and stupid pointless.
3. If you start a forum game label it as GAME: (title here) as to clearly define.
4. This is for things other than Anime, Manga, Otaku etc. Use those forums for those topics.

Have fun and repsect all members cheers
Shoryuken Master
Shoryuken Master

Posts : 24
Props : 41
Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 33
Location : Radelaide

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