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Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter

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Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter Empty Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter

Post  xandox Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:20 am

It's out and from what I've heard it's excellent. All I can say is that SS-Eclipse better sub this and when they do I'll throw it on the DL list.
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Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter Empty Re: Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter

Post  garry-sama Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:21 am

xandox wrote:It's out and from what I've heard it's excellent. All I can say is that SS-Eclipse better sub this and when they do I'll throw it on the DL list.
ummm sorry to disappoint but its been done allready episode 23 of after story its just being re-subbed for DVD i have seen it rofl not as epic as tomoya Sad ....Wait?(streaming)....omg? its true? a new OVA?


the weird thing is i like her that way now? :S WHAT!!!! ArGh greatest OVA's from the greatest Love story Anime :'(
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